Dark Sky (version v2.*.*)


returns the current weather forecast for the next week


latitude (required)#

The latitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is north, negative is south.

Type: string

longitude (required)#

The longitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is east, negative is west.

Type: string


Exclude some number of data blocks from the API response. This is useful for reducing latency and saving cache space.

Type: array

[ "string. Possible values: currently | minutely | hourly | daily | alerts | flags" ]


When present, return hour-by-hour data for the next 168 hours, instead of the next 48. When using this option, we strongly recommend enabling HTTP compression.

Type: string

Potential values: hourly


Return summary properties in the desired language.

Type: string


Return weather conditions in the requested units.

Type: string

Potential values: auto, ca, uk2, us, si


returns the observed or forecast weather conditions for a date in the past or future


latitude (required)#

The latitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is north, negative is south.

Type: string

longitude (required)#

The longitude of a location (in decimal degrees). Positive is east, negative is west.

Type: string

time (required)#

Either be a UNIX time (that is, seconds since midnight GMT on 1 Jan 1970) or a string formatted as
[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS][timezone]. timezone should either be omitted (to refer to local time for the location being requested),
Z (referring to GMT time), or +[HH][MM] or -[HH][MM] for an offset from GMT in hours and minutes.
The timezone is only used for determining the time of the request; the response will always be relative to the local time zone.

Type: string


Exclude some number of data blocks from the API response. This is useful for reducing latency and saving cache space.

Type: array

[ "string. Possible values: currently | minutely | hourly | daily | alerts | flags" ]


Return summary properties in the desired language.

Type: string


Return weather conditions in the requested units.

Type: string

Potential values: auto, ca, uk2, us, si