Creates a manual activity for an athlete. Requires write permissions, as requested during the authorization process.
Type: object
"private" : "set to 1 to mark the resulting activity as private, ‘view_private’ permissions will be necessary to view the activity. If not specified, set according to the athlete’s privacy setting (recommended).",
"photo_ids" : "List of native photo ids to attach to the activity.",
"distance" : "In meters.",
"trainer" : "Set to 1 to mark as a trainer activity.",
"start_date_local" : "ISO 8601 formatted date time. Original type was datetime",
"name" : "The name of the activity.",
"elapsed_time" : "In seconds.",
"description" : "Description of the activity.",
"type" : "Type of activity. For example - Run, Ride etc.",
"commute" : "Set to 1 to mark as commute."
Returns the top 10 segments matching a specified query.
The latitude and longitude for two points describing a rectangular boundary for the search: [southwest corner latitutde, southwest corner longitude, northeast corner latitude, northeast corner longitude]
Type: array
[ "number" ]
Desired activity type.
Type: string
Potential values: running, riding
The maximum climbing category.
Type: integer
The minimum climbing category.
Type: integer
Returns the given activity that is owned by the authenticated athlete.
The identifier of the activity.
Type: integer
To include all segments efforts.
Type: boolean
Returns the given activity's streams.
The identifier of the activity.
Type: integer
Must be true.
Type: boolean
Desired stream types.
Type: array
[ "string. Possible values: time | distance | latlng | altitude | velocity_smooth | heartrate | cadence | watts | temp | moving | grade_smooth" ]
Retrieve recent activities from members of a specific club. The authenticated athlete must belong to the requested club in order to hit this endpoint. Pagination is supported. Enhanced Privacy Mode is respected for all activities.
Returns a list of the administrators of a given club.
Returns a given club using its identifier.
Returns a list of the athletes who are members of a given club.
Returns the comments on the given activity.
Returns a set of the authenticated athlete's segment efforts for a given segment.
Returns an equipment using its identifier.
Returns the athletes who kudoed an activity identified by an identifier.
Returns the laps of an activity identified by an identifier.
Returns the specified segment leaderboard.
The identifier of the segment leaderboard.
Type: integer
Premium Feature. Filter by age group.
Type: string
Potential values: 0_19, 20_24, 25_34, 35_44, 45_54, 55_64, 65_69, 70_74, 75_plus
Filter by club.
Type: integer
Type: integer
Filter by date range.
Type: string
Potential values: this_year, this_month, this_week, today
Filter by friends of the authenticated athlete.
Type: boolean
Filter by gender.
Type: string
Potential values: M, F
Premium Feature. Filter by weight class.
Type: string
Potential values: 0_124, 125_149, 150_164, 165_179, 180_199, 200_224, 225_249, 250_plus, 0_54, 55_64, 65_74, 75_84, 85_94, 95_104, 105_114, 115_plus
This operation has no parameters
Returns the activities of an athlete for a specific identifier.
An epoch timestamp to use for filtering activities that have taken place after a certain time.
Type: integer
An epoch timestamp to use for filtering activities that have taken place before a certain time.
Type: integer
Returns a list of the clubs whose membership includes the authenticated athlete.
This operation has no parameters
List of the authenticated athlete's starred segments.
This operation has no parameters
This operation has no parameters
Returns a GPX file of the route.
Returns a TCX file of the route.
Returns a route using its identifier.
Returns a list of the routes created by the authenticated athlete using their athlete ID.
Returns a running race for a given identifier.
Returns a list running races based on a set of search criteria.
Returns the specified segment.
Returns a segment effort from an activity that is owned by the authenticated athlete.
Returns a set of streams for a segment effort completed by the authenticated athlete.
The identifier of the segment effort.
Type: integer
Must be true.
Type: boolean
The types of streams to return.
Type: array
[ "string. Possible values: time | distance | latlng | altitude | velocity_smooth | heartrate | cadence | watts | temp | moving | grade_smooth" ]
Returns the given segment's streams.
The identifier of the segment.
Type: integer
Must be true.
Type: boolean
The types of streams to return.
Type: array
[ "string. Possible values: distance | latlng | altitude" ]
Returns the activity stats of an athlete.
The identifier of the athlete. Must match the authenticated athlete.
Type: integer
Returns an upload for a given identifier.
Premium Feature. Returns the zones of a given activity.
Updates the given activity that is owned by the authenticated athlete.
The identifier of the activity.
Type: integer
Type: object
"private" : "Whether this activity is private",
"trainer" : "Whether this activity was recorded on a training machine",
"name" : "The name of the activity",
"description" : "The description of the activity",
"commute" : "Whether this activity is a commute",
"type" : "An enumeration of the types an activity may have.",
"gear_id" : "Identifier for the gear associated with the activity. ‘none’ clears gear from activity"
Update the currently authenticated athlete.
Type: object
"id" : "The unique identifier of the athlete",
"profile_medium" : "URL to a 62x62 pixel profile picture.",
"country" : "The athlete's country.",
"firstname" : "The athlete's first name.",
"follower" : "Whether this athlete follows the currently logged-in athlete.",
"city" : "The athlete's city.",
"resource_state" : "Resource state, indicates level of detail. Possible values: 1 -> \"meta\", 2 -> \"summary\", 3 -> \"detail\"",
"profile" : "URL to a 124x124 pixel profile picture.",
"sex" : "The athlete's sex.",
"created_at" : "The time at which the athlete was created.",
"lastname" : "The athlete's last name.",
"premium" : "The athlete's premium status.",
"updated_at" : "The time at which the athlete was last updated.",
"friend" : "Whether the currently logged-in athlete follows this athlete.",
"state" : "The athlete's state or geographical region.",
"ftp" : "The athlete's FTP (Functional Threshold Power).",
"bikes" : [ {
"distance" : "The distance logged with this gear.",
"resource_state" : "Resource state, indicates level of detail. Possible values: 2 -> \"summary\", 3 -> \"detail\"",
"name" : "The gear's name.",
"id" : "The gear's unique identifier.",
"primary" : "Whether this gear's is the owner's default one."
} ],
"mutual_friend_count" : "The number or athletes mutually followed by this athlete and the currently logged-in athlete.",
"measurement_preference" : "The athlete's preferred unit system.",
"clubs" : [ {
"resource_state" : "Resource state, indicates level of detail. Possible values: 1 -> \"meta\", 2 -> \"summary\", 3 -> \"detail\"",
"name" : "The club's name.",
"id" : "The club's unique identifier.",
"profile_medium" : "URL to a 60x60 pixel profile picture.",
"country" : "The club's country.",
"private" : "Whether the club is private.",
"featured" : "Whether the club is featured or not.",
"cover_photo" : "URL to a ~1185x580 pixel cover photo.",
"city" : "The club's city.",
"verified" : "Whether the club is verified or not.",
"cover_photo_small" : "URL to a ~360x176 pixel cover photo.",
"state" : "The club's state or geographical region.",
"member_count" : "The club's member count.",
"url" : "The club's vanity URL.",
"sport_type" : "string. Possible values: cycling | running | triathlon | other"
} ],
"weight" : "The athlete's weight.",
"friend_count" : "The athlete's friend count.",
"follower_count" : "The athlete's follower count.",
"shoes" : [ {
"distance" : "The distance logged with this gear.",
"resource_state" : "Resource state, indicates level of detail. Possible values: 2 -> \"summary\", 3 -> \"detail\"",
"name" : "The gear's name.",
"id" : "The gear's unique identifier.",
"primary" : "Whether this gear's is the owner's default one."
} ],
"email" : "The athlete's email address."