Returns a list of accepted names for the TSN. This can return more than one result if the TSN is for a synonym.
Returns a count of the matches found by comparing the search key to the ITIS common names, scientific names, and TSNs.
Returns the list of comments for the TSN. This can return more than result if multiple comments are entered.
Returns a list of common names for the TSN.
Returns the set of core metadata for the TSN. This contains credibility rating, taxonomic usage, unacceptability reason, coverage, and currency data
Returns the taxon coverage information for the TSN. This information is available for Genus and above (rank_id > 190) only.
Returns the credibility rating for the TSN.
This operation has no parameters
Returns the taxon currency information for the TSN. This information is available for Genus and above (rank_id > 190) only.
Returns the initial time stamp and last update date for the TSN.
This operation has no parameters
Returns a list of the expert information for the TSN.
Returns the Taxonomic Hierarchy from the kingdom to the requested scientific name, and the immediate children of the scientific name.
Returns the full ITIS record for the TSN in the LSID, found by comparing the TSN in the search key to the TSN field. Returns an empty result set if there is no match or the TSN is invalid. Note: Because this API must do multiple database lookups, this can be a time-comsuming operation and may take several seconds to return information.
Returns the full ITIS record for a TSN found by comparing the search key to the TSN field, or an empty result set if there is no match. Note: Because this API must do multiple database lookups, this can be a time-comsuming operation and may take several seconds to return information.
Returns a list of the geographic divisions for the TSN.
This operation has no parameters
Retruns the taxon completeness rating for the TSN.
Returns a list of all the valid/accepted scientific names contained within a particular valid/accepted scientific name and their TSNs, limited to immediate children only. The result set will be found by comparing the search key to the parent TSN field. Note: There is the possibility that this could return a sizable set of data. For example, if searching with the TSN for Animalia (TSN 202423), the returned group would be all records in the Animalia tree. Because of this, this function will only return the immediate children of the search key (i.e. searching for Animalia's TSN would return the phyla directly linked to it, and the names of any other rank directly linked to it).
Returns the parent of the TSN (i.e. the parent of the current scientific name in the taxonomic hierarchy) found by comparing the search key to the ITIS TSN field.
Gets a list of ITIS Terms as used by the Resource Catalog Input Tool from a common or scientific name match, or an empty result set if there is no match.
Gets a list of ITIS Terms as used by the Resource Catalog Input Tool from a common name match, or an empty result set if there is no match.
Gets a list of ITIS Terms as used by the Resource Catalog Input Tool from a scientific name match, or an empty result set if there is no match.
This operation has no parameters
Rerurns a list of the jurisdiction and origin values for the TSN.
This operation has no parameters
Returns the kingdom name for the TSN.
This operation has no parameters
This operation has no parameters
Gets the unique LSID for the TSN, or an empty result if there is no match.
Returns a list of the other sources used for the TSN.
Returns the parent TSN for the entered TSN.
Returns a list of the pulications used for the TSN.
This operation has no parameters
Gets the partial ITIS record for the TSN in the LSID, found by comparing the TSN in the search key to the TSN field. Returns an empty result set if there is no match or the TSN is invalid. Note: This record is a subset of the full ITIS record and will match the return record from the LSID server.
Returns the review year for the TSN.
Returns the scientific name for the TSN. Also returns the component parts (names and indicators) of the scientific name.
Returns a list of the synonyms (if any) for the TSN.
Returns the author information for the TSN.
Returns the kingdom and rank information for the TSN.
Returns the usage information for the TSN.
Provide a listing of TSNs with vernaculars entered in the requested language. Currently language is only specified in the ITIS database for vernaculars.
Gets the TSN corresponding to the LSID, or an empty result if there is no match.
Returns the unacceptability reason, if any, for the TSN.
This operation has no parameters
Returns matches found by comparing the search key to the ITIS common names.
Return matches found by comparing the search key to the beginning of the ITIS common names.
Return matches found by comparing the search key to the end of the ITIS common names.
Returns matches found by comparing the search key to the ITIS full Scientific Names, both with and without the indicator fields.
Returns matches found by comparing the search key to the ITIS common names, scientific names, and TSNs.