Height OpenAPI Specification
Create a task with a given name, and adds it to the lists specified by listIds.
Type: object
"listIds" : [ "uuid" ],
"parentTaskId" : "UUID of task to associate as the parent.",
"orderIntent" : {
"intent" : "Where to insert this task.",
"taskId" : "UUID of the task to insert this relative to. Only used for before and after intent"
"name" : "Required. Name of the task.",
"description" : "Description of the task.",
"assigneesIds" : [ "uuid" ],
"fields" : [ {
"date" : "For date fields: the date value of the field",
"linkedTasks" : [ "string" ],
"fieldTemplateId" : "The UUID of the appropriate field template.",
"value" : "For text fields: the value of the field. For select fields: the id of the selected option",
"labels" : [ "string" ]
} ],
"status" : "Status to put the task into."
Get a task with a given task number or id.
Task index (number) or task id.
Type: string
What you wish to include with the task. Options:
'description' If you want the description to be retrieved as well.
Type: array
[ "string" ]
Get the details of the workspace.
This operation has no parameters
List all activities and messages of a specified task.
Either the task unique id
(UUID), or the task unique index
(the 123 of T-123).
Type: string
List all the field templates of the workspace.
This operation has no parameters
Retrieve all the lists of the workspace. Only lists shared with the entire workspace will be returned.
This operation has no parameters
List security log events of the workspace.
This operation has no parameters
list tasks
Url encoded json to filter tasks by. Json text can be encoded in python by urllib. Example json:
{"status": {"values": ["backLog", "inProgress"]}
Documentation at: https://www.notion.so/Search-tasks-58cc8543a73e4aeb9fca2780de9545ca
Type: string
Type: array
[ "string. Possible values: parentTasks | subTasks" ]
Type: array
[ "string. Possible values: SubtaskIds" ]
Type: integer
Type: array
[ {
"column" : "What task attribute to order on. i.e. lastActivityAt",
"direction" : "string. Possible values: ASC | DESC"
} ]
List all users of the workspace.
This operation has no parameters
Post a message to a specified task.
Type: object
"type" : "Type of message. Options: 'comment' or 'description'.",
"message" : "The message to be posted.",
"taskId" : "The task unique id (UUID)."
Update a task with a given task number or id.
Task index (number) or task id.
Type: string
Type: object
"listIds" : [ "uuid" ],
"parentTaskId" : "UUID of task to associate as the parent.",
"name" : "Required. Name of the task.",
"description" : "Description of the task.",
"assigneesIds" : [ "uuid" ],
"fields" : [ {
"date" : "For date fields: the date value of the field",
"linkedTasks" : [ "string" ],
"fieldTemplateId" : "The UUID of the appropriate field template.",
"value" : "For text fields: the value of the field. For select fields: the id of the selected option",
"labels" : [ "string" ]
} ],
"status" : "Status to put the task into."