Acknowledge an open PagerDuty incident.
Acknowledge a selected OpsGenie alert.
Action template, fork me!
Archive the Slack channel connected to the activity.
Creates a user in Atlassian and email-invites them.
Attaches an existing Slack channel to the activity.
Adds a user to specified Azure Devops groups, creating the user if necessary. This user must already be a member of Azure AD.
Adds/invites a user to the specified Azure DevOps organization.
Update the severity of the current activity.
Simple workflow for marking an action item as "done".
Fetch cloudwatch logs meeting filter criteria.
Graph a cloudwatch metric.
Run a CloudWatch Logs Insights query and display the results.
Add a comment to a selected GitHub pull request.
Uses Google Calendar to create a link to a Meet event.
Create a new Jira ticket.
Create a record in a ServiceNow table.
Create an incident on a page.
Start, restart, terminate, or delete Databricks clusters.
Get a timeseries graph from a Datadog Dashboard by its title.
Get timeseries graphs from a Datadog Dashboard.
Get a Datadog graph from a query string.
Deploys an OpsWorks application from an existing OpsWorks stack.
Detaches the Slack channel from the activity.
List AWS EC2 instances using optional filters.
Run a shell command on an EC2 instance and get its results.
Email all the members of a Slack channel.
Get general AWS service statuses.
Display a list of the latest Jira issues for the specified team.
Display a list of the latest Jira issues for the current user.
List the last five commits to a GitHub repository.
Create an issue in a GitHub repository.
Waits for a GitHub PR to be merged.
Adds a user to Google Groups.
Comment on an open task in Height.
Create task in Height.
A workflow that outputs "Hello World" .
Deploy a Heroku app at a specific release ID.
Get a list of the last 10 app releases from Heroku, with their `created_at` time, description, ID, and version number.
Send an incident initiation notification to a list of recipients.
Send an incident reopened update to a list of recipients.
Send an incident resolution update to a list of recipients.
Send an incident update to a list of recipients.
A Transposit Workflow
Invites members in Slack user groups to the connected Slack channel.
Build a Jenkins job with no parameters.
Runs a job in Jenkins.
Subscribe a Jira issue to this Transposit activity.
Create a ticket in Jira Server.
Sets the value of a Jira field. Most basic fields (text, dropdowns, user, arrays) are supported.
Kills a currently running operation in MongoDB.
Lists currently running operations in MongoDB.
Select and merge a GitHub pull request with no conflicts.
Notify some Slack channels that your activity has been created.
Create a Microsoft Teams channel linked to the current Transposit activity.
Link a Microsoft Teams channel to the current Transposit activity.
Posts a message in an MS Teams channel.
Deploys a release within a pre-configured Octopus space and project.
Deploys a release in Octopus with manual inputs for the environment, release, and channel Ids.
Returns deployment and release information for the specified Octopus project.
Lists projects and associated project ids in a given Octopus deploy space.
Logs a message at a specified time interval. This action will run until manually canceled or until the runbook has been closed.
Creates an Opsgenie alert.
Creates an Opsgenie incident.
Add an oncall Opsgenie user as a responder to an incident.
Auto create an incident in PagerDuty for the Activity, assigned to the specified Escalation Policy. .
Creates an incident in PagerDuty.
Mark a PagerDuty incident as resolved.
Run response plays a new PagerDuty incident based upon priority and impacted business services. Works with PagerDuty incident trigger app.
Posts a message to the associated channel.
Generates a postmortem template on Confluence.
Generates a postmortem template on Google Docs.
Renames the activity's Slack channel.
Redeploy an AWS ECS service with the same task definition.
Restart a specific EC2 instance.
Resets an instance of a GCP Compute Engine virtual machine.
Suggest runbooks based upon a pagerduty incident title. This workflow should be added as an auto action for the pagerduty incident integrator.
Scale an AWS ECS service with a new desiredCount.
Send an e-mail with SendGrid.
Outputs a Slack channel's ID, given its name.
Invites users to Slack channels.
Pins a message to a Slack channel.
When placed at the front of an action chain, gates the rest of the chain from running via an approval mechanism. Approvals are authorized based on membership in a Slack usergroup.
Toggle a split between killed and active states.
Starts a CodePipeline execution and provide updates until completion.
Action template, fork me!
Template workflow, fork me!
Takes an object and a JMESPath expression and extracts the relevant value from the object.
Transforms one string into another, from a provided map of strings.
Change the formatting of a timestamp.
Assign a commander to the current activity.
Auto create a Jira issue which can be linked to the current activity.
Creates a Transposit activity, binding the runbook to the new activity.
Close the current Transposit activity.
Create a Transposit activity and bind the runbook to the new activity.
Create an issue in Jira, adding it to the activity as a related link.
Sets the runbook run state to Done.
Sets the runbook run state to Error.
Post a dashboard update to an activity.
Update a CloudFormation stack with a template.
Updates a record in a ServiceNow table.
Update an incident on a page.
Runs all audits on a service.
Wait for a specified amount of time (before continuing to the next action).
Create a Zoom meeting.